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Our Vision

We aim to make an elite training experience available to everyone in the south west regardless of ability and gender. We concern ourselves with educating and empowering our athletes, and understand that for athlete performance to increase, so does the individual athletes’ understanding of the factors that affect said performance. We believe that increasing the athlete knowledge base not only increases performance but also stands the athlete in good stead for a healthy, active lifestyle after competitive sport.



Increasing Sport Specific Strength through the careful Periodisation of the Training Year and the implementation of Modern Training methods, all monitored through SMART Goal setting.



Building on the results of extensive sport and position performance analysis, detailed specific training methods can be prescribed to add functional fitness components to base layer fitness.



Implementing long term and short term nutrition plans to underpin training and maximise performance respectively.

            Injury prevention


Addressing internal factors that may lead to injury such as muscle imbalance and Gait as well as working closely with Physiotherapists to maximise rehab and prevent further injuries.



Everything we design we do so with you in mind, individuality is at the heart of everything we prescribe.

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